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Reduce Tire Costs With a Tire Management System

boost fleet efficiency and cut costs with effective tire management

Fleets Who Focus on Tire Management Can Increase Savings and Improve Overall Performance

This year it’s anticipated that fleets will continue to face rising prices and extreme revenue pressures. As a way to combat these pressures, proper tire management is one area that can reduce operational costs.

Tires should be viewed as assets, and be managed properly from selection to disposal to maximize their value versus a material simply being bought and used. Fleets should establish a tire management system to track the true cost of each tire and ensure that they get the most value out of their investment.

A tire management system should begin with tire selection, considering the vehicle's specific needs, routes, and the climate. Selecting a tire specific to the application will enhance efficiency and profitability. Tire dealers can be a great resource for fleets to ensure that they are getting the best for their dollar.

Another important way to improve your investment is by using tire pressure monitoring systems (TPMS) which, thanks to the introduction of Bluetooth technology, have become more accessible and affordable to incorporate. With this new TPMS technology, gone are the days of complex and time-consuming installations.  Now sensors can simply be screwed on to the stem valves and can connect to the cloud via an ELD or other tracking device.

Inflation pressure is always the most important factor of tire maintenance relative to tire costs. Correct inflation will help to maximize the ability to retread a tire while minimizing wear and the tire’s contribution to fuel economy rolling resistance. According to the FMCSA, only 46% of heavy commercial vehicle tires are inflated within five psi of target pressure and only 38% of trailer tires.*

A TPMS will eliminate the 10–20-minute manual tire pressure check, reduce wear and tear, and help prevent tire blowouts and other tire-related accidents. By constantly monitoring tire pressure and alerting drivers to any issues, it also reduces the costs associated with tire damage and downtime.

Tire expenses will always be a way of life for fleet managers. Therefore, it only makes sense to establish procedures designed to control them. A good tire maintenance program, incorporating management strategies and TPMS technology, will enhance tire efficiency and profitability. Fleets can increase savings and improve overall performance by focusing on tire management.

Contact Pedigree Technologies to get started on your own tire management system.

*(FMCSA – 2002 study, cited by NACFE 2020)

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