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Drivewyze Safety+: Proactive Driver Alerts Welcome in a New Era in Safety

drivewyze safety+

In a world where technology is ever changing, Pedigree Technologies and Drivewyze are making the job of driving a little bit easier, a little bit safer, and a little less stressful.  And it’s giving fleet and safety managers vital information to help drivers on all fronts.

It’s called Drivewyze Safety+ -- the industry’s first proactive driver safety management platform. Unlike dash cams and telematics-based safety systems, which report on driver behavior after the fact, Drivewyze Safety+ helps prevent the behavior from happening in the first place. It’s a breakthrough in driver behavior modification.

Drivewyze Safety+ builds off Drivewyze’s popular Safety Notifications and is embedded in your Pedigree Technologies ELD for easy activation -- no extra hardware required! It gives drivers safety alerts prior to an upcoming danger area and even lets a fleet set their own custom location-based alerts. Creating a custom alert is easy, and once you do it’ll automatically display to drivers when they reach that location - be it a low bridge, risky curve, or your own yard.

It’s an entirely new way of thinking and managing drivers when it comes to safety. It can help prevent speeding infractions by warning a driver on an upcoming ‘high infraction zone,’ provide an alert for an upcoming high rollover corner, even help with safety alerts down mountain passes. And, at the end of the day, Drivewyze Safety+ even lets your drivers know the number of parking spaces available at an upcoming rest area in select states.

This quick demo takes you inside the platform to show you how it works:

DriveWyze Zones

We’ve identified ‘speed violation zones’ based on cumulative citation history. Safety+ gives drivers that are driving too fast in known high citation areas an alert to slow down – averting a possible speeding ticket, or worse yet, an accident. Need to park for the night? Drivewyze Safety+ helps drivers by providing dynamic parking alerts in select states. In-cab messaging gives the actual number of parking spots available, in real-time, so drivers can make the decision to continue on to the rest area, or look for other alternative parking.

But, best of all, fleets can develop their own custom zones. Have a certain area that you don’t want drivers entering, or known areas that have caused accidents, fender-benders, or speeding tickets within your fleet? Want to remind drivers about driving restrictions when entering yards?  Simply tag each area by GPS location in the easy-to-use Drivewyze Hub and your alerts will display to drivers when they reach your set location.  You have complete control over in-cab driver messaging.

Safety+ also includes other alerts that Drivewyze pioneered, like high rollover, low bridges, and mountain corridors (giving notifications to use low gears, check brakes…while also providing alerts on upcoming runaway ramps).

The beauty of Drivewyze Safety+ is it generates data-rich information that can be mined and put to use to further your safety program. You can drill down to see how a particular driver is reacting to the safety notifications, plus review the aggregate – seeing how your entire driver pool is complying. It can serve as a great proactive driver coaching platform, further supporting programs that are already in place.

Are your drivers slowing down when alerts come on? How is that trending? Who are your best performers? Who needs some coaching? All this data and more is readily available within your fleet dashboard on the Drivewyze Hub.

Information from Safety+ can merge into other programs you might have thanks to our full set of reporting APIs for data integration.

DriveWyze Laptop

Combined, this data shows you are taking the steps needed to make your drivers safer -- something insurance agencies and the courts scrutinize. Insurance providers always look to insure companies that are proactive in safety. And, if there is litigation against your company for an incident, the best protection is to have a documented program that shows you are giving your drivers the tools to be safe on the road. Don’t be held liable; avoid nuclear verdicts.

DriveWyze 17% Reduction

And, yes, the alerts are proven to modify behavior. With our proactive speed alerts, we are seeing a 27% reduction in speeding events (for those truckers going at least 5 mph over the speed limit).

Our rollover data is also compelling. In a two-year study with a major trucking company involving thousands of trucks, alerts for high rollover curves resulted in speeds being reduced by 17%.  That’s important. Data shows that the top speeders in rollover zones are 400% more likely to be in an accident than their peers.

The name of the game in trucking is being safe -- for your driver, and the motoring public. Proactive safety alerts from Drivewyze give your drivers a quick reminder that a danger zone is coming up….or that a safe place to park is nearing and there are spots available. There is an old saying that knowledge is power. And, with Drivewyze Safety+ you now have the power to make your drivers safer.

Getting started is easy and risk free. Book a demo with one of our experienced team Pedigree Technology team members to see the platform for yourself and explore how OneView and Safety+ can make a difference for your fleet, then we’ll get you started with a 30-day free trial of the service. Click here to learn more and book a demo.

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